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Posted on 5th October 2018

Dedicated volunteers aim to change lives with Uganda trip

Four dedicated employees from across The Calico Group are undertaking a trip of a lifetime that will change the lives of many young people in Uganda.

Through the VMM International scheme, the group – Chanelle Moore and Rebecca Fecitt, Recovery Practitioners for Delphi Medical, Olivia Preston, Administrator for Delphi Medical, and Kashifa Mubarak, Customer Service Advisor for The Calico Group – have set off to Uganda to provide support as teaching assistants in a primary school.

As part of their commitment to raise funds that will contribute towards the cost of their trip, the group have organised a number of fundraising activities.

Over several months, the group reached their target of £6,000 through a number of fun events, including an inter-company hockey tournament, and a special cake sale for staff based at The Calico Group’s Burnley offices.

The group will be volunteering in Uganda for three weeks, and will have a unique opportunity to experience life and culture in Uganda.

The Uganda volunteer programme is open to staff from across The Calico Group as a personal development opportunity every year, and the three week trip is considered working time.

Staff from across The Calico Group provide support to volunteers throughout the fundraising period to ensure they reach their target.

Olivia Preston said:

“I am very much looking forward to our trip to Uganda. I have been doing more research into the school I will be working at which has got me a little more excited, especially looking at the pictures. It is now beginning to feel real!

“I feel lucky that I am travelling with three other girls I know and have become good friends with through this opportunity. We have all worked extremely hard reaching our individual fundraising target of £1,500. However, we all got there in the end and enjoyed helping each other working as a team, as well as wonderful support from friends, family and members of the community.

“What I am looking forward to the most is the school experience, diverse trips and embracing the Ugandan culture during this time. This will be a very special experience”

The volunteers have created a Facebook page to keep people updated about their experiences in Uganda.

To follow their adventures, visit

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