Drug and alcohol addiction treatment
From dependence to freedom.
We make a difference to people’s lives by providing innovative and specialist addiction services that lead the way from dependence to freedom.
Our services are located across Lancashire and Greater Manchester, each developed to help you through each step of your recovery journey.
Our focus is on ensuring we provide effective addiction recovery services as part of an integrated recovery pathway, which supports and facilitates patients to engage in genuine recovery.

Our areas of expertise
- Clinical drug and alcohol addiction treatment
- Psychosocial drug and alcohol addiction treatment
- Integrated clinical and psychosocial delivery models
- Community services
- Prison services
- Harm reduction services
- Inpatient services
- Outpatient detox treatment
- Skills, training and employability
Our team of addiction specialists
Located throughout the north, our senior management team bring a diverse range of expertise and knowledge to Delphi through their unique backgrounds, experience and approaches.

Join the team
We’re always on the lookout for great staff. We also continuously recruit to the Delphi bank, which allows you to pick and choose your shifts and area of work.
“The team culture is very supportive and provides a diverse skills/knowledge base. The Team is constantly developing professionally by sharing knowledge, skills and life experience”