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Posted on 15th September 2020

DARS Continues to Deliver

Despite the restrictions in place during the last few months, Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (DARS) are still working hard (and safely) to ensure the service continues to meet client needs.

*Names have been changed to maintain anonymity*

Paul self-referred to Delphi when he transferred to HMP Buckley Hall in October 2019. He had experienced a long history of substance abuse and transferred to the prison as part of the progression through his sentence. Paul was keen to engage in all that the DARS had to offer.

Following an assessment, he quickly commenced the Reduction and Motivation Programme (RAMP) with Acorn. He engaged positively with all aspects of the course, which he completed in January 2020. During this time, Paul worked proactively with his keyworker to complete structured 1:1’s. These sessions allowed Paul to reflect on his past substance use, identifying triggers and learning how to manage these in the future to prevent a relapse.

Paul had a parole hearing in March 2020, attended by his DARS keyworker. Despite the progress made, the parole board felt that, due to his history, a more robust release plan was required to ensure Paul was released to accommodation that met his needs. The DARS team made a referral into Recovery Homes, a supported accommodation project providing recovery support, mutual aid packages and accommodation. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, an assessment was completed in April and Paul was conditionally accepted into the Recovery Homes service pending parole.

While Paul awaited parole, he continued to engage with the service in relapse prevention and harm reduction work in preparation for potential release.

Paul’s next parole hearing took place 1st June, attended by Delphi. This time, the parole board were happy a robust release package was in place and that the Recovery Homes referral had met Paul’s needs. Paul was incredibly positive about the verdict and the support he received from the team. He feels he has been given another chance and is hopeful about remaining substance-free.

Work has continued with Paul to ensure he continues to work on his release plan with Recovery Homes while he waits for a vacancy.

Paul is now awaiting release into Recovery Homes and has agreed to a follow-up appointment to follow his progress.

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