Our Sexual Health Practitioners are here to offer a range of support interventions to adults living in Blackpool with any sexual health issues.
We offer:
- Sexual health community outreach – Our outreach workers are in the community offering safer sex advice and information
- STI screening
- Contraceptive clinics
- BBV testing – including 60 second rapid HIV testing service
- Chlamydia testing kits for under 25s
- Specialist support to anyone 16 and over living with or affected by HIV
- Specialist support to anyone 16 and over affected by sexual violence or rape
- Specialist support provided to sex workers 16 and over
- Specialist support to LGBQT individuals and communities.
Who can refer us?
Anyone – schools, police, GPs, community services, parents, hospitals, etc.
How to refer to us
Request a referral form by contacting ISVAref@Ren-UK.com
LGBT Health and Wellbeing
At Horizon, we offer a wide variety of social support and training groups for the LGBT community. The project is co-ordinated by our LGBT Development Lead, along with support from Peer Mentors and volunteers.
We offer:
- General health and wellbeing support
- Group work programmes
- Peer support networks
- Counselling services and web-based support around sexuality and gender identity
- Targeted sexual health clinics
- Community and venue outreach
- Online net reach
- Safer sex packs
- Condom distribution scheme
- Access to 60 second rapid HIV testing
- Lead for campaigns and sexual health messages across all media
- Providing education and training.
Drug and Alcohol Outreach Team
For confidential advice and support, contact the Horizon Outreach Workers.
Our dedicated team of drug and alcohol outreach workers is available Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.
- Christian: 07860 269663
- Freddie: 07860 269659
- Lianne: 07966 378756
- Mel: 07535 716882
- Claire: 07534 915932.
Referrals can be sent to outreach@Ren-UK.com